Author - Dr Peter Mitchell

Dr Peter W. Mitchell has been involved in major geotechnical projects throughout Australia, New Zealand, South-East Asia and the South Pacific. He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering Department at the University of Adelaide. He is a Past Chair of the Australian Geomechanics Society and has contributed over 100 papers, publications and presentations in Geomechanics.

He has particular expertise in expansive and collapsing soils, having gained an Engineering Excellence Award from IEAust for his book on this topic, a Churchhill Fellowship to study in this field overseas and having served on three international committees. He developed the so called ‘Mitchell Method’ mentioned in AS 2870-2011 “Residential Slabs and Footings,” and this method is used in SLOG for the routine design of residential type footings on expansive soil.

Director - Mr Samuel Mitchell

Sam Mitchell is a Mechanical Engineer with 10+ years of experience developing residential engineering software. He has provided valuable programming expertise in the conversion of the original FORTRAN version of SLOG for DOS applications, to the Visual Basic Application (VBA) for Excel, and now the online app. He is

In addition to his work on SLOG, he has also been involved in the Australian Defence Industry, and development of geotechnical software to analyse pile designs for bridges subject to problematic site conditions.


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